ÖCC2 – the idea

We live in times in which fundamental changes in values must be made in order to successfully implement the essential transformation of the economy and society towards resource conservation, climate protection, a pollution-free environment and the fulfillment of the European Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The plastics industry, with its more than 100 years of expertise in the synthesis, conversion, use and utilization of carbons in a wide range of variants and diversity, can and will make a significant contribution to this transformation.

Because carbon is life – human life as well as nature, such as flora and fauna. Carbon is also an energy source (from food to fuel), building material, construction material, medicine, comfort zone and storage medium. Carbon is the lowest common denominator of life and also of the most diverse industries.

ÖCC2 – that’s why we joined forces

Out of the awareness of this responsibility, which has arisen from the knowledge of carbon, the plastics industry has decided to establish a common voice to the outside world, the Austrian Carbon Cycle Circle – Team for Sustainable Carbon Cycle (ÖCC2). The aim is to play an active role in the current discussions and to provide a holistic approach as a basis, because a holistic view of all carbon material flows is necessary in order to identify interrelationships and derive truly sustainable solutions.

With this in mind, the ÖCC2 expressly invites other sectors that come into contact with plastics in some way (in particular the energy and cement industries) to join this knowledge transfer.

ÖCC² – who we are

We are a network of experts, optimists, enthusiasts, forward thinkers and lateral thinkers with decades of experience and a shared understanding of

  • identify and promote ecological, economic, social and administrative innovations in connection with Austrian carbon recycling, preferably plastics. Interrelated systems are supported in order to meet and contribute to the goals of the European Circular Economy Package, the Paris climate goals, the international Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), in particular a pollution-free nature and environment, as well as health and safety, and the Green Deal, as amended.
  • close the carbon cycle using the example of plastics and identify, demonstrate, process and implement the necessary steps! Also with regard to the expansion to other material flows and entirely in the interests of resource conservation and climate protection.
  • further expand Austria’s strong position in the overarching area of plastics production, processing, collection of material flows, recycling and all associated technologies of the circular economy.

ÖCC² – our founding members:

  • Lower Austria Business Agency GmbH
  • Business Upper Austria – Upper Austrian Business Agency GmbH
  • Borealis AG
  • PlasticsEurope Austria
  • KRM Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
  • Welkin Media Publishing
  • University of Leoben
  • Nachgedacht e.U.
  • Miraplast Kunststoffverarbeitungs GesmbH

ÖCC² – Become a member

As a non-profit organization, we welcome every individual who wants to make a contribution to improving the current situation and achieving our common goals – would you like to play an active, committed and reliable role in shaping the future? Get more information by phone or e-mail!

ÖCC² – our common goals

The aim is to play an active role in the current discussions and to provide a holistic approach as a basis, because a holistic view of all carbon material flows is necessary in order to identify interrelationships and derive genuine sustainable solutions. The ÖCC² should be THE point of contact in the field of carbon cycles for all stakeholders: speak with one voice in a well-coordinated manner

Connecting – holistic – coordinated approach and cooperation!

The only way to achieve an economically, ecologically and socially viable carbon cycle is to work together, to become aware of the system boundaries of the individual sectors and to expand the system boundaries by combining the upstream and downstream sectors, thus arriving at a sustainable solution that makes sense for everyone. Further expansion of Austria’s strong position in the overarching area of plastics production, processing, collection of material flows, recycling and all associated technologies of the circular economy.

Technology (further) development – Holistic concepts – Export capability

ÖCC² – our work

The focus is on fact-based communication, knowledge transfer, public relations work and strong networking of the recycling chains. As the first point of contact for NGOs and political decision-makers, we want to bring about a general rethink with regard to plastics and carbon cycles and raise awareness right through to the consumer.

The knowledge generated from fact-based documentation, from research findings and in the context of the total useful life of recycled carbon products must be reprocessed and anchored and the discussion in the forum must be cultivated. A second pillar of communication, which must be seen in the same context, must be to inspire the image of young people for research and sustainable education and to enable them to participate in the discussion on the implementation of an intergenerational contract for carbon-led cycles, because only knowledge about this can be the key to achieving the goals.