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Plastics Europe Germany 2022 trade press day

Every year, Plastics Europe Germany, the association of plastic producers, organizes a specialist press day. This year, it assembled a strong lineup of experts in climate-neutral circular economy for journalists and industry peers. Following opening remarks by CEO Ingemar Bühler, Dr. Henning Wilts from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy GmbH discussed the opportunities of circular economy. Sabine Nadherny, Secretary General of PlasticsEurope Austria and Chairperson of ÖCC2, followed with an introduction to Austria’s circular economy initiative in the plastics industry, the Austrian Carbon Cycle Circle – Team for Sustainable Carbon Cycle! Dr. Alexander Kronimus then explained the circular technologies that need to be adopted. Prof. Dr. Dieter Stapf from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) concluded with an encouraging talk on how chemical recycling must complement mechanical recycling and what is still lacking. Photo: Plastics Europe Germany Read more about the content of the specialist press day on March 16, 2022, at: