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#GlobalRecyclingDay – Focus on resource conservation

March 18, 2024, is Recycling Day. On this day, numerous actions worldwide highlight the crucial role of recycling in resource and climate protection. The Austrian Carbon Cycle Circle – Team for Sustainable Carbon Cycle (ÖCC²) thinks about recycling issues daily and initiates actions that emphasize the importance of resource efficiency.

Our goal is to actively participate in current discussions and provide a holistic perspective as a foundation, as the holistic view of all carbon material flows is necessary to identify interconnections and derive genuinely sustainable solutions. ÖCC² is THE contact point in the field of carbon cycles for all stakeholders: well-coordinated to speak with one voice!

The focus is on: fact-based communication, knowledge transfer, public relations, and a strong network of material value chains. As the first point of contact for NGOs and political decision-makers, we aim to foster a general rethinking regarding plastics and carbon cycles, as well as raising awareness among consumers.

The importance of recycling is increasing!

Strengthening Austria’s strong position in the comprehensive field of plastic production, processing, material flow management, recycling, and all related circular economy technologies is of utmost priority. Environmental awareness is increasing because resources are limited, and because plastics cannot be reasonably dispensed with. Therefore, more and more recyclates must and can be used. Opportunities for cost-efficient plastic recycling are increasing significantly when the material is available in pure form or as uniform material flows. However, without the urgently needed, separate, and complete collection of plastics in circulation, even the plants developed by the world’s leading Austrian plastic recycling companies cannot be operated economically or ecologically. In this context, the material flow analysis FactsMatter was also initiated in Austria.

Become a member of ÖCC²

The non-profit association welcomes everyone who wants to contribute to improving the current situation and achieving common goals. More information about the diverse and groundbreaking activities can be found at